Operating Snowmobiles in NYS

We often field the question "Who can operate a snowmobile legally in NYS?"

New York State Office of Parks and Recreation website  states that "Youth ages 14 through 17 years old may operate a snowmobile, on lands upon which snowmobiling is allowed, without adult or other supervision if they have completed a snowmobile safety training course recognized by the State of New York. If youth ages 14 through 17 years have not completed the training course, they may operate a snowmobile if accompanied by (within 500 feet of) a person who is at least 18 years of age.
Youth ages 10 through 13 may operate a snowmobile, on lands upon which snowmobiling is allowed, if they have completed a snowmobile safety training course recognized by the State of New York and are accompanied by (within 500 feet of) a person who is at least 18 years of age.

Children less than 10 years old or less than age 14 without a safety certificate may operate a snowmobile only on lands owned or leased by their parent or guardian."

Visit the NYSSA website for a detailed reference to the New York State Laws pertaining to or effecting snowmobiles, including  OPRHP Law � 25.19, Operation by youthful operators.


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